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Generics with Delphi 2009 Win32

With, as a bonus, anonymous routines and routine references

Date de publication : November 13th, 2008

Par Sébastien Doeraene (sjrd.developpez.com)

We have been waiting for them for a while! Now they are here: generics in Delphi Win32. Those little awesome things are coming with Delphi 2009. This tutorial will help you understand and use them, and design your own generic classes.
idea fr Your comments, critics, suggestions, etc. are welcomed on the blog.
This is a translation of a tutorial initially written in French: fr Les génériques avec Delphi 2009 Win32. I have translated my own tutorial, but I am no perfect English speeker. I therefore apologize for all the mistakes I certainly did in this translation.

Juan Badell has also translated this tutorial into Spanish: Los genéricos en Delphi 2009 (HTTP mirror)

Aleksey Timohin has also made a translation into Russian.
This translation may be read in PDF form, which was built by Andrew Tishkin (HTTP mirror).

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