


Class Hierarchy
  No Parent


  Types de base de l'unité System

Field Description
AnsiChar (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ANSISTRING (*) #No TAG found in source code#
BOOLEAN (*) #No TAG found in source code#
BYTE (*) #No TAG found in source code#
BYTEBOOL (*) #No TAG found in source code#
CARDINAL (*) #No TAG found in source code#
CHAR (*) #No TAG found in source code#
COMP (*) #No TAG found in source code#
CURRENCY (*) #No TAG found in source code#
DOUBLE (*) #No TAG found in source code#
EXTENDED (*) #No TAG found in source code#
HRESULT (*) #No TAG found in source code#
IDispatch (*) #No TAG found in source code#
IInterface (*) #No TAG found in source code#
INT64 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
INTEGER (*) #No TAG found in source code#
IUnknown (*) #No TAG found in source code#
LONGBOOL (*) #No TAG found in source code#
LONGINT (*) #No TAG found in source code#
LongString (*) #No TAG found in source code#
LONGWORD (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OLEVARIANT (*) #No TAG found in source code#
PAnsiChar (*) #No TAG found in source code#
PByte (*) #No TAG found in source code#
PCHAR (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Pointer (*) #No TAG found in source code#
PWideChar (*) #No TAG found in source code#
SHORTINT (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ShortString (*) #No TAG found in source code#
SINGLE (*) #No TAG found in source code#
SMALLINT (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TClass (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TDateTime (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TGUID (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TMethod (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TObject (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TVarRec (*) #No TAG found in source code#
UInt64 (*) #No TAG found in source code#
UnicodeString (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Untyped (*) #No TAG found in source code#
VARIANT (*) #No TAG found in source code#
WIDECHAR (*) #No TAG found in source code#
WIDESTRING (*) #No TAG found in source code#
WORD (*) #No TAG found in source code#
WORDBOOL (*) #No TAG found in source code#

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


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Created with DelphiCodeToDoc. To obtain the latest revision, please visit