


  Analyseur lexical d'une unité Delphi



Type Description
TPreProcInstruction (+) Type d'instruction du pré-processuer

Constant Description
CDM_ALIGN (+) ID message Direction du Compilateur : $ALIGN ou $A
CDM_MINENUMSIZE (+) ID message Directive du Compilateur : $MINEMUMSIZE ou $Z
FirstTerminal (+) #No TAG found in source code#
LastTerminal (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SErrorInIFInstr (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SIFInstrNotSupported (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SPreProcReachedEndOfFile (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkAbstract (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkAnd (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkArray (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkAs (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkAssembler (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkAssign (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkAt (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkBegin (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkBlank (+) Lexème blanc
tkCase (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkCDecl (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkClass (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkCloseBracket (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkCloseSqBracket (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkColon (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkComma (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkComment (+) Lexème commentaire
tkConst (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkConstructor (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDefault (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDeprecated (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDestructor (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDispID (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDispInterface (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDiv (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDivide (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDo (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDot (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDownTo (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkDynamic (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkElse (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkEnd (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkEof (+) Fin de fichier
tkEquals (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkExcept (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkFinalization (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkFinally (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkFloat (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkFor (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkForward (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkFunction (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkGreaterEq (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkGreaterThan (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkHat (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkIdentifier (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkIf (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkImplementation (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkIn (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkIndex (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkInherited (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkInitialization (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkInline (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkInteger (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkInterface (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkIs (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkLowerEq (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkLowerThan (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkMessage (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkMinus (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkMod (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkName (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkNil (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkNoDefault (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkNot (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkNotEqual (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkObject (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOf (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOn (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOpenBracket (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOpenSqBracket (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOr (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOut (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOverload (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkOverride (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPacked (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPascal (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPlatform (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPlus (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPreProcessor (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPrivate (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkProcedure (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkProperty (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkProtected (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPublic (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkPublished (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkRaise (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkRange (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkRead (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkReadOnly (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkRecord (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkRegister (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkReintroduce (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkRepeat (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkResourceString (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkSafeCall (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkSemiColon (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkSet (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkShl (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkShr (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkStatic (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkStdCall (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkStored (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkStrict (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkString (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkStringCst (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkThen (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkTimes (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkTo (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkTry (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkType (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkUnit (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkUntil (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkUses (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkVar (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkVirtual (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkWhile (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkWith (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkWrite (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkWriteOnly (+) #No TAG found in source code#
tkXor (+) #No TAG found in source code#

Variable Description
SymbolClassNames (+) Symbol class names, indexed by their IDs

Class Description
TCDMAlign (+) Type de message Directive du Compilateur : $ALIGN ou $A
TCDMMinEnumSize (+) Type de message Directive du Compilateur : $MINEMUMSIZE ou $Z
TPreProcIfConditionNode (+) Noeud condition d'une instruction du pré-processeur $IF
TSepiDefinedDeclaredPseudoRoutine (+) Pseudo-routine d'opération sur un type
TSepiDelphiBaseLexer (+) Analyseur lexical de base pour le langage Delphi
TSepiDelphiInterfaceLexer (+) Analyseur lexical de base pour le langage Delphi - interface uniquement
TSepiDelphiLexer (+) Analyseur lexical de base pour le langage Delphi

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Sébastien Doeraene
Created with DelphiCodeToDoc. To obtain the latest revision, please visit