


Class Hierarchy


  Edit pour les nombres
TSvCustomNumberEdit peut bloquer la saisie de nombres flottants ou de
nombres négatifs selon des propriétés. Il peut forcer le caractère de
séparations des décimales, une valeur minimum et une valeur maximum. Il peut
aussi assurer un préfixe et/ou un suffixe textuels sur le nombre.

Property Description
Action (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Align (*) #No TAG found in source code#
AllowFrac (*) #No TAG found in source code#
AllowNegative (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Anchors (*) #No TAG found in source code#
AutoSelect (*) #No TAG found in source code#
AutoSize (*) #No TAG found in source code#
BiDiMode (*) #No TAG found in source code#
BorderStyle (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Constraints (*) #No TAG found in source code#
DockOrientation (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Enabled (*) #No TAG found in source code#
FloatingDockSiteClass (*) #No TAG found in source code#
HasMaxValue (*) #No TAG found in source code#
HasMinValue (*) #No TAG found in source code#
HideSelection (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Int (+) #No TAG found in source code#
MaxValue (*) #No TAG found in source code#
MinValue (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnCanResize (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnChange (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnClick (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnConstrainedResize (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnContextPopup (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnDblClick (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnDockDrop (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnDockOver (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnDragDrop (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnDragOver (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnEndDock (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnEndDrag (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnEnter (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnExit (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnGetSiteInfo (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnKeyDown (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnKeyPress (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnKeyUp (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnMouseDown (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnMouseMove (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnMouseUp (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnMouseWheel (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnMouseWheelDown (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnMouseWheelUp (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnResize (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnStartDock (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnStartDrag (*) #No TAG found in source code#
OnUnDock (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ParentColor (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Prefix (*) #No TAG found in source code#
READONLY (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Separator (*) #No TAG found in source code#
ShowHint (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Suffix (*) #No TAG found in source code#
TabOrder (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Value (*) #No TAG found in source code#
Visible (*) #No TAG found in source code#

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Sébastien Doeraene
Created with DelphiCodeToDoc. To obtain the latest revision, please visit