


  Définit les différentes constantes de la SCL



Constant Description
SAlreadyHasController (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sApril (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SArgumentForbidden (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SArgumentRequired (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sAugust (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SCantLoadXMLDocument (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sDecember (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SDuplicateLongOption (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SDuplicateShortOption (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sFebruary (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SHasNoController (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SInvalidTypeInfo (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SInvalidValue (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sJanuary (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sJuly (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sJune (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sMarch (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sMay (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SNonOptionParamForbidden (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sNovember (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sOctober (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SOptionValueOutOfRange (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SRequiredOptionNotFound (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScAbout (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScAuthor (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScColon (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScDelimMustDifferentThanNotIn (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorBrackets (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorDegree (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorDivByZero (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorDivision (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorEval (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorInteger (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorMaths (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorNatural (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorNotDegreeZero (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorNotInteger (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorNotNatural (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOperation (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpIsNotBinary (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpIsNotUnary (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpNotExists (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpRequestsCorrectIndex (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpRequestsDegreeZero (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpRequestsInteger (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorOpRequestsNatural (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorRoot (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorTooManyBrackets (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorWrongCharacter (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScErrorWrongExpression (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScIndexOutOfRange (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScLanguage (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScListIsNotEmpty (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScNo (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScNotInMustPairsOfChars (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScSemiColon (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScSetOf (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScVersion (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongBase (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongChar (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongCharSet (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongEnumSet (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongFloat (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongInteger (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongIntSize (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongLongWord (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongPassword (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScWrongString (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sScYes (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sSeptember (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SSingleOptionFoundMultipleTimes (+) #No TAG found in source code#
sSjrdErrorAbortDivision (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SUnknownLongOption (+) #No TAG found in source code#
SUnknownShortOption (+) #No TAG found in source code#

Symbol Visibility
- Private
# Protected
+ Public
* Published
A Automated
S Strict


Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Sébastien Doeraene
Created with DelphiCodeToDoc. To obtain the latest revision, please visit